Discover Effective Trauma Therapy at Emmaus Psychology in Southeast Calgary

Trauma can have a profound impact on your mental and emotional well-being, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and shattered. At Emmaus Psychology, our trauma therapy services are tailored to help you break free from the lasting effects of trauma. Our evidence-based approach, featuring Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART), is designed to provide rapid and impactful relief.
Key Features of Trauma Therapy at Emmaus Psychology:
Evidence-Based Solutions: Our trauma therapy integrates proven and evidence-based methodologies, ensuring a comprehensive and successful treatment plan.
Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART): Experience the transformative power of ART, a cutting-edge approach using eye movement and visualization to reprogram distressing
memories. This technique not only addresses trauma but also proves effective for various mental health concerns.
Rapid and Lasting Benefits: ART is renowned for its ability to deliver rapid and lasting benefits. Our aim is to guide you through a transformative journey towards healing, offering
relief from pain and suffering.
Versatile Treatment Options: While trauma therapy is our primary focus, ART has
demonstrated success in treating issues beyond trauma, making it a versatile and impactful
therapeutic choice.